The Oxford English Dictionary defines Ikigai as "a motivating force; something or someone that gives a person a sense of purpose or a reason for living".
Have you found your Ikigai or are still in the search for it? If your answer to both these questions is no, then this is a reminder to you to start thinking about it before it is too late. According to Japanese philosophy, having a clearly defined Ikigai brings satisfaction, happiness and meaning to our lives. Ikigai is also one of the Japanese secrets to a long and happy life as described and explained by Hector Garcia ad Francesc Miralles in their books "Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life" and "The Ikigai Journey: A Practical Guide to Finding Happiness and Purpose the Japanese Way".

What if someone tells you to drive a car without telling you the destination or atleast which road you should take? But imagine, lots of us are living day after day without any real purpose just to survive (indulging in our daily activities most of which are unproductive for ourselves) and thereby wasting the human birth.
With approximately 4 months remaining for the year 2023 to end, start thinking about your Ikigai. If you have already identified your Ikigai start spending time on it daily, no matter how old you are; or whether you are working or retired as spending time on your ikigai is the most valuable gift you can give to yourself as it will result into a happier and satisfied life.
Everyone's Ikigai is different. Some may find happiness in activities like planting, dancing, sewing whereas some may find their happiness in working as a banker or as a police officer and serving the community or anything else that gives one the reason to get up every morning and spend time on it daily with immense joy and satisfaction irrespective of one's age or other circumstances. When your daily to do list includes thinking about and spending time on your Ikigai, you will see your life transforming considerably and your goals/ mission accomplished.

While meditating on your Ikigai, remember the following:
1. Your Ikigai may be one or more than one activities;
2. Your Ikigai may or may not give you monetary return; and
3. Your Ikigai should directly or indirectly serve or contribute to the society even in the smallest manner.

Sthitapragya Diaries recommends its readers to watch Netflix series "Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones" which also explains the importance of Ikigai.
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