Savor your food! Savor every bite! Savor every sip of your coffee!
Everyone has heard of the importance of savoring food, especially in these times when people can hardly look away from their phones, even while eating! Nowadays, it is very rare that people savor their food with loved ones or spend time with them without mobiles or devices in their hands.
According to Wikipedia, 'Savoring (or savouring in Commonwealth English) is the use of thoughts and actions to increase the intensity, duration, and appreciation of positive experiences and emotions'.
According to Zen Habits, Savoring is about learning to live presently, to fully enjoy the gift of each moment, to give that moment the space and attention it deserves. It takes practice, but it's a delicious practice.
Without any doubt, there are endless benefits of savoring your precious and one of a kind life, it protects against depression, stress, guilt; increases the quality of your life; builds relationships; enhances positive emotions; and so on.
Therefore, in today's times savoring life should be considered a necessity to enhance your mental health and overall balance of life. You will find endless data on this topic on internet as well as in other public resources. But implementing techniques to savor your life really depends on how much importance you give to this topic and whether or not you really want to live a content life. The moment your mind is imprinted with the message that happiness is nothing else but being content and satisfied, and that you should be savoring every moment, and should always aim to show your best behaviour to the world, you start to see the real beauty of life.
Sthitapragya Diaries recommends its readers to take some time this summer to contemplate on this crucial topic and adopt the below simple strategies to help you to savor life:
Don't participate in talks and stop thinking about thoughts related to the past which are not useful or that drains you. You will see a lot of your time being saved.
If you are the kind of person that talks about or participates in talks about people which is not of any benefit to either you or that person, this practice should be stopped as soon as possible.
Don't wait for the future to do something. Start with a small step towards it today. The future is not guaranteed to anyone.
Avoid multitasking as much as possible.
Avoid activities or talks that make you feel inferior, empty or that lowers your mood.