What is your favorite color? Red, blue, yellow or green. Does this mean that other colors are not good?
Although you may have one or few colors as your favorite or preferred colors, it does not mean that other colors are of no use and are irrelevant. Each color being different and unique has a purpose and relevance whether or not you may like that color. Also, none of the colors can be ranked in terms of their superiority simply based on their appearance.
Similarly, someone who has color blindness may not be able to identify the same color as others. Red color may appear orange or amber to a person with color blindness. But does that mean that the actual nature or appearance of the color has changed?
Colors teach us such an important life changing mindset. Just as each color is unique and has its own role to play, the same way each one of us are unique and have a role to play. A color does not complain about another color to highlight that it does not look alike or does not have similar qualities.
Imagine, how would the world will function if everything we see around us appears same or has the same qualities or does the same things. What will happen if everything that you eat tastes the same? There is a pertinent and well-structured rationale behind the differences or uniqueness in every object one can see or think about.
We cannot judge a person due to his/her ability or inability to perform certain acts or behave in a certain manner. We cannot also compare individuals based on their good or bad qualities. One person may have a different good quality compared to another person. We cannot classify a person as good compared to another person simply because of a different quality that he/she possesses. Every person is unique; however, we see the world still spending time comparing individuals inappropriately and gaining nothing out of it except for breaking the morale of the people about whom comments are being raised on what they lack.
Even if the same artist creates another version of the same painting using the same combination of colors, there will still be some difference in both the paintings. Ironically, we still compare each other based on appearance, mindset, qualities, habits and so on, instead of developing a matured mindset that encourages others to believe that everyone is unique. The focus should therefore be to see the action or quality in a person that he/she possesses and can be used as contribution to the world rather than seeing and highlighting what a person lacks. It is not necessary that every person having passion for cricket is also good at scoring marks in other subjects. A finance executive may not understand legal terms well. But we do not bully such people for what they lack or for what they are not good at.
In simple words, black color is never recognized as not being relevant due to missing the qualities or appearance effect that red or yellow or green or other colors have. Black color has its own significance that no other color has. But as humans, we often spend our precious time in recognizing and complaining about what other person lacks rather than recognizing what uniqueness that person possesses.
Let's strive to make this planet a better, peaceful and productive place and promote cooperation among mankind thereby improving the overall mental health and wellbeing. Next time, when you want to complain or gossip about the qualities someone lacks, remember the uniqueness of colors and adapt yourself.
Beautiful like you